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    Temporary Methods for Listing Incentive of Songshan Lake (Biopark) of Dongguan.

    Time:2017-05-22 15:54:00


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      Chapter I general rules

      Article 1 with a view to promoting science and technology, finance, industry depth fusion, accelerate the development of financial innovation of science and technology, encourage enterprises listed on, increase the proportion of direct financing, financial capital should be utilized to listed companies listed on financing support role, on the basis of national, provincial, municipal relevant laws, regulations and policies of the spirit, are formulated.

      Article 2 these measures required funds by dongguan songshan lake (ecological) national independent innovation demonstration zone development special funds of science and technology development fund arrangement, incorporated in the songshan lake (ecological) budget management.

      Chapter ii applicable scope, conditions and standards

      Article 3 the present measures shall apply to enterprises that have independent legal person qualifications and are eligible for the rewards of this method in the business registration and payment of major tax sources in songshan lake (ecological park)。 Pay tax mainly refers to nearly 12 months in songshan lake (ecological) pay taxes accounted for 50% (including) above, as in the songshan lake (ecological) industrial and commercial registration in real time calculation of less than 12 months.

      Article 4 the listed reserve enterprises in dongguan shall recognize the rewards. In the first stage, the government of dongguan city has been awarded a reward of 100,000 yuan for the stock market of dongguan. The second stage is to apply for the listing of the domestic capital market and the official acceptance of the information by the statutory body, with a reward of 1.9 million yuan.

      Article 5 reward for public financing. Successful ipo in domestic capital market and listed, or the domestic listed companies since moving to songshan lake (ecological) to raise equity financing after 12 months, more than 50% of the net and raise funds investment in songshan lake (ecological), at 0.5% of the fund-raising financing a reward, highest do not exceed 8 million yuan (including)。

      Article 6 the stock transfer system (commonly known as the new third board) is listed, trading mode and financing reward. Successfully listed in the share transfer system of small and medium-sized enterprises in China (except for those listed in the listed enterprises), a reward of 500,000 yuan; Market-making trade ways or regulators for the first time publish the higher level of trade way, reward 100000 yuan (from market transaction way to regulators publish except the higher level of way to trade); Since 12 months after listing to raise equity financing (including listed in link synchronization to raise equity financing), or has been listed since the ingoing songshan lake (ecological) 12 months after the issuance of equity financing, and more than 50% of the net to raise funds investment in songshan lake (ecological), by a cumulative 1% of money raised to finance a reward, highest do not exceed 1 million yuan (including)。

      Article 7. In the case of foreign or Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regional capital markets for listing and financing, the administrative committee of songshan lake (ecological park) shall refer to this method and examine and approve the process according to the "event one" process.

      Article 8 enterprises obtain the way individual award of 500000 yuan (including) above, shall be submitted to songshan lake (ecological) management committee shall not be registered within five years from songshan lake (ecological) written commitment, the written commitment and the management committee of the enterprise and songshan lake (ecological) in investment agreement has the same legal effect.

      Chapter iii capital application and examination and approval

      Article 9 the scientific and technological innovation bureau of songshan lake (ecological park) shall be the business director and the acceptance department.

      Article 10 to cultivate a warehousing system. For pushing the songshan lake (ecological) construction of multi-level capital market, encourage and guide enterprises to actively USES operation and development of the capital market rewards listed in these measures shall apply enterprise should with the securities service agencies, accounting firms, law firms and other intermediary service agency listed on related services agreement within 3 months from the date of the (intermediary service agreement signed by the first time for the start time), according to the songshan lake (ecological) listed companies listed on cultivating warehouse requisition "(attachment 1) requirements apply to the songshan lake (ecological) bureau of science and technology innovation to put in storage. Enterprises who apply for incubation in the past time shall be less than 90% of the time when they apply for the award in the first application, and no enterprise that has not applied for training to enter the bank shall apply for the award in this method.

      Article 11 the enterprises applying for the listing of the listed reserve enterprises in dongguan shall, within 3 months from the date of completion of the relevant work, make an application for the recognition of the reward, the listing of the stock transfer system and the trading award. Application listed financing, stock financing system reward reward, should be in the related work is completed next year completion time and the distance of not less than six months, according to the songshan lake (ecological) listed companies listed rewards requisition "(attachment 2) requirement apply to the songshan lake (ecological) bureau of science and technology innovation, late applications will not be accepted.

      Article 12 for incomplete application materials, submit to the specification is not in conformity with the requirements, songshan lake (ecological) bureau of science and technology innovation should be accepted within 5 working days from the date of the application materials, notify the applicant to supplement and correction. Applicant should be within 10 working days from the date of receiving notification, complete, correct and resubmit the application materials, fails to supplement and correction of the application materials, as the applicant voluntarily withdraw the application.

      Article 13 of the approved application units, by the songshan lake (ecological) bureau of science and technology innovation in batches (ecological) in songshan lake management committee's official website of the public to the society, the public time is 7 working days. During the public, no organization or individual to object to the content of the public, or thinks that there are illegal, the applicant should not reward, to songshan lake (ecological) bureau of science and technology innovation reflect or complaints, songshan lake (ecological) bureau of science and technology innovation should be reflected upon receiving or complaints, within 10 working days from the date of the relevant information to verify, at songshan lake (ecological) management committee decided whether to reward, and to verify the results and handle public reply to reflect or complaints.

      Article 14 the application unit for the public declaration of no objection shall be submitted to the administrative committee of songshan lake (ecological park) for examination and approval by the scientific and technological innovation bureau of songshan lake (ecological park)。

      Chapter iv capital execution and administration

      Article 15 application project was approved by the applicant according to the order of reply to apply for funding, submit to the songshan lake (ecological) bureau of science and technology innovation (ecological) dongguan songshan lake national independent innovation demonstration zone development special fund application form and relevant materials, the songshan lake (ecological) bureau of science and technology innovation according to the process to apply for funds disbursed.

      Article 16, as required by work, songshan lake (ecological) bureau of science and technology innovation has the right to this joint related departments to monitor the status of all kinds of incentive funds performance evaluation, and in a timely manner to master the use and management of special funds, analysis and evaluation policy implementation effect.

      Chapter v punishment

      Article 17 in the use and management of special funds for work, any of the following circumstances, will be in accordance with the principle "who supervises, who is in charge of", the directly responsible or leadership, head of the department and related agent such as accountability:

     ?。↖) due to the lax inspection, the applicant who does not meet the qualifications for the application is eligible to pass the qualification examination and finally receive special funds;

     ?。?) failing to strictly implement the public display system for special funds;

     ?。?) disbursing funds in violation of relevant provisions of special fund management;

     ?。?) there are other violations of the laws and regulations of the state, causing major losses or major negative effects of special funds to be held accountable.

      Article 18 rewarded funded unit or individual has the following situation, is testified, will revoke the reward, clawing back bonuses and award the certificate, and cancel the three years of songshan lake (ecological), according to the qualification of financial aid funds publish to the society at the same time processing conditions:

     ?。?) plagiarizing or stealing others' discoveries, inventions or other scientific and technological achievements;

     ?。?) providing false data, materials or other means to defraud or assist others to defraud financial reward funds.

      Chapter vi supplementary provisions

      Article 19 for before these measures enacted, has been in the songshan lake high-tech zone to promote multi-level capital market management provisional regulations (try out) "(songshan lake [2014] no. 58) regulations, submit the songshan lake high-tech enterprise applying for the recordation of the capital market rewards applications/accepted book" of the enterprise, already listed in the stock transfer system of enterprises, has been identified as listed in dongguan backup of the enterprise, will be automatically recognized as cultivating warehousing enterprises, do not need to apply again. Other enterprises that have been in line with the requirements for the application of the warehousing enterprise before the promulgation of these measures shall, within 3 months from the date of promulgation of the present measures, apply for the cultivation of the warehousing, which is not due to the overdue application.

      Article 20 for before these measures enacted, has been identified as backup listed enterprises in dongguan, but not (ecological) won the songshan lake management committee to give relevant incentives reserve listed enterprises, may apply to the domestic capital market and the formal acceptance by the statutory body, in accordance with article 4 of this regulation shall apply for backup listed enterprises in dongguan that reward the two stages of reward.

      Article 21 for before these measures enacted, has been listed shares transfer system, but not yet received the songshan lake (ecological) management committee to transfer the shares of related reward system, can be in this way issued within 3 months as of the date of filing an application for shares transfer system for rewards.

      Article 22. In addition to the provisions of article 19, article 20 and article 21 of the present measures, the award application before the promulgation of the measures shall not be retraced.

      Article 23 the applicant before the measures enacted (ecological) has won the songshan lake management committee related reward or funding in capital markets, in the regulations related to reward amount reduced correspondingly.

      Article 24 of the relevant provisions of these measures with the current laws, regulations and other normative documents if there is any conflict, if no special instructions, should with host law and policy level is higher the content of the files, such as with park after relevant regulatory documents formulated by the conflict, these measures shall prevail. The relevant provisions of this method, such as overlapping with other existing policies in the park, carry out the principle of "high non-repetition".

      Article 25 the technical innovation bureau of songshan lake (ecological park) shall be responsible for the explanation.

      Article 26 these measures shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation and are valid until December 31, 2020.

      Annex 1: application for the cultivation of warehousing in songshan lake (ecological park) company

      Annex 2: application for listing award of songshan lake (ecological park) company

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